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Tips For Decluttering Before You Move

October 16, 2016

Take inventory.
This is one of the most time consuming parts of the whole moving process, but it is usually the most important step. Take a close look at what you own and which things will fit in your new home. If you can live without it or you can get something that better fits your new space, consider selling or donating it so you do not need to pack it to the new home. Make a list of must-haves and other items that you can get rid of, then start sorting which items can be donated, sold, or just thrown away.

Clutter, be gone!
If you’ve been in your home for a significant amount of time, you know how things pile up. Clutter builds around your home, sometimes without you even knowing it! Start tackling each room, one at a time, and get rid of things that are not a necessity. If there are things that you want to keep but you don’t need to get to them for a while, find some decorative boxes or another helpful storage solution that can keep them available if need be, but kept away from sight.

Have a yard sale.
Having a yard sale can be a lot of work, but the benefits are two-fold. You’ll be getting rid of extra clutter and making money at the same time! If you need help pulling one off, ask your neighbors, friends, or family if they are willing to have a sale with you. A successful garage/yard sale can help give you some extra funds to pay for moving expenses or you can tuck it away into your savings account for other household projects that might need to happen later down the road in your new home.

Being picky about what you bring into your space will save you time and energy later, so getting rid of items that you don’t use or that just collect dust is a great idea.

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